var giftType = "One-time";

Onsite Youth Program Evaluation


Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. We value your input as we strive to create quality community programs. Please complete one survey per Onsite Youth Education program. * Indicates a question that requires a response

Question - Required - Which program did you participate in at San Diego Humane Society?

Question - Required - How did the overall program compare to your expectations?

Question - Required - If you had a tour during your program, how would you rate the tour?

Question - Required - How would you rate the educator's knowledge about the animals and the information shared?

Question - Required - The educator presented the information in an enthusiastic and age-appropriate manner.

Question - Required - The educator created an environment that was fun and engaging for the participants.

Question - Not Required - If you participated in a scout program, how would you rate the activity or lesson?

Question - Required - How likely are you to recommend this program to someone else?


(Maximum response 255 chars, approx. 5 rows of text)

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