Looking for the San Diego Walk? CLICK HERE
Couple with pups


Online Registration is now closed, but you can register in person!

Onsite event registration begins at 7 a.m. on Saturday, March 16, at Kit Carson Park in Escondido.

Visit the Event Info page for details including schedule, parking and what to expect. We hope to see you there!


Early bird pricing is in effect until Wednesday, Jan. 31. Register early to save!

Adults (ages 18+)
Early Bird: $20
Feb. 1 - March 15: $30
Event Day: $40

Children (ages 17 and under)
Early Bird: $10
Feb. 1 - March 15: $15
Event Day: $20

Virtual Walk Participants (Participants who are not attending the Walk in person but are fundraising and walking their own way): $20

All registered participants will receive a Walk for Animals T-shirt at the event! Our virtual walkers will be mailed a T-shirt after the event.



All registered participants will receive a Walk for Animals T-shirt at the event! Our virtual walkers will be mailed a T-shirt after the event.

We will mail a Walker Packet to each participant who registers before Friday, March 1, 2024. This will include information for the day of the Walk, your bib, a ticket to pick up your T-shirt, a ticket for the pancake breakfast and a donation envelope. Please bring the donation envelope with all cash and checks you've collected to the Walk on Saturday, March 16.

If you registered on or after March 1 or did not receive your Walker Packet in the mail, you can pick one up at the "Preregistered" side of the Registration tent at the Walk for Animals starting at 7 a.m.

If you need assistance registering online, please email walk@sdhumane.org.